A New Yorker’s Guide to | Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements

Prenuptial agreements provide a straightforward exit strategy, saving New Yorkers expenses and stresses of a divorce trial. Here’s what you should consider to have a valid, effective agreement.

If you are engaged or considering getting married, the information in this book can help you protect yourself and your future. New Yorkers with complex assets and income should enter into a prenuptial agreement in order to work out the division of assets and spousal support owed should they ever divorce. Doing so allows you to avoid the expense of a divorce trial and the significant loss of assets should a court distribute your assets upon divorce.

Understanding what a prenuptial agreement is, why you need one, and how it can protect you is an important step to take before marrying. Likewise, suppose you have significant assets and are already married but do not have a postnuptial agreement. In that case, you should discover how a postnuptial agreement can protect you and help you avoid an expensive divorce trial should your marriage ever end.