New York Art Collector's Guide to Divorce: | Expert Tips for Art Owners, Collectors & Gallerists

Whether you are passionate about the art you own or acquire art pieces merely for the economic benefit, your personal and financial future is worth protecting and fighting for.

One asset class that can generate more turmoil and financial disruption than any other when mishandled is Art. Art owners, collectors, and gallerists in the midst of divorce are faced with all sorts of questions. Should you sell or keep the René Magritte? Has the Joan Miró been appropriately valued? What percent of the Jasper Johns sale proceeds are yours?

From contemporary to modern, surrealism to fauvism, the interests of New York City art collectors are as diverse as the pieces themselves. Some collectors care solely about aesthetics. Some are historians or true connoisseurs who can spot a painted-over da Vinci with one glance. Then there are the entrepreneurs who view art as an investment, studying appreciation over composition. Indeed, New York finance pros know how to maneuver art as an asset class.