12 Weirdest Prenup Clauses Couples Include

When it comes to prenups, most couples think about financial assets and property division. However, some couples take it a step further and include some truly bizarre clauses in their prenuptial agreements. From beauty budgets to weight gain restrictions, these clauses, better known as "lifestyle clauses," may not hold up in court, but they showcase the diverse and sometimes quirky agreements that couples come up with.

In-Laws Prenup Clauses

One of the strangest clauses that some couples have included in their prenups revolves around in-laws. This clause may dictate the amount of time spent with in-laws or place restrictions on interactions with them. For individuals who feel their in-laws are difficult or over-involved, this clause can provide a sense of relief and boundaries within the marriage.

Time Spending Prenups

Another unusual prenup clause that has gained attention is the "time allotment" clause. This clause ensures that the couple prioritizes quality time together amidst busy schedules and obligations.

Such a clause was reportedly included in Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan's prenup, stipulating that Priscilla is entitled to one date per week and at least 100 minutes alone with Mark outside of the home and office. They may even restrict how much time a spouse can spend watching football or playing video games.

No Drug Use Prenups

Drug use clauses are another common addition to prenuptial agreements. Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban allegedly included a clause in their prenup that granted Keith $600,000 annually if he remained drug and alcohol-free.

Beauty Budget Prenups

Some couples include a beauty budget in their prenuptial agreement. This clause dictates how much each partner is allowed to spend on beauty treatments such as hairstyling, manicures, pedicures, gym equipment, Botox, plastic surgery, personal trainers, and even personal shopping assistants.

Weight Gain Prenups

Some couples actually stipulate in their prenup that if one partner gains a certain amount of weight, they will be required to pay the other partner a sum of money. An infamous example of this is the rumored prenup between Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo, which allegedly stated that Jessica owed Tony $500K for every pound she gained over 135 pounds.

No-Cheating Prenups

The infidelity clause is another common inclusion in prenups. This clause essentially states that if one partner cheats, they will be financially penalized. While this clause may not hold up in all states, some celebrities have included it in their prenuptial agreements. Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake reportedly had a clause that stated Justin would pay Jessica $500,000 if he ever cheated.

Cooking and Cleaning Prenups

This clause typically outlines who is responsible for household chores, like grocery shopping, dusting, and doing the laundry. In some cases, couples even specify that one spouse must cook a certain number of meals per week.

Sexual Activity Prenups

This clause may specify how often the couple should have sex. For example, a prenup might require sex once a week or once a month. Some prenups have even been known to dictate specific sexual acts or lifestyles.

Marriage Length Prenups

Some couples include a "marriage length" clause in their prenuptial agreements. This clause provides financial incentives for staying married for a certain amount of time. For example, Jay-Z and Beyonce's prenup includes a clause requiring Jay-Z to give Beyonce $1 million for each year of their marriage up to the 15-year mark. Once the 15 years have passed (which it has), the prenup is voided, and the assets are divided equally in the case of divorce.

Social Media Prenups

In today's digital age, social media has become a prominent aspect of many people's lives, including their relationships. Some couples have taken this into consideration and included clauses in their prenups that regulate the amount of time each spouse can spend on or what they can post on social media. They may even outline the number of posts and pictures that each partner is allowed or required to share daily.

Baby Count Prenups

One of the most notable examples of a strange prenup clause is the payment for having children. Jay-Z and Beyonce reportedly have a prenup that includes Jay-Z paying Beyonce $5 million for each child they have. While these clauses may seem outrageous, it's important to note that they may not hold up in court if contested.

Pet Custody Prenups

Another common but unusual clause in prenups is pet custody arrangements. While pets were traditionally treated as property in divorce cases, couples are now including clauses in their prenups to determine who gets custody of their beloved pets in case of a split. These clauses, often referred to as "pet clauses" or "pet ownership clauses," can outline visitation schedules, financial responsibilities, and other arrangements related to the care of the pets.

While these are just a few examples of the weirdest clauses included in prenups, it is important to note that many of these clauses may not hold up in a court of law. State courts typically do not enforce lifestyle clauses as they infringe on personal freedoms and individual rights.

However, these clauses provide insight into the unique dynamics and agreements that couples establish in their relationships. Ultimately, prenups are a reflection of the couple's values, priorities, and expectations for their future together.

When drafting a prenup, it's important to work with a qualified family law attorney who can help ensure that your prenup is legally sound and protects both partners' interests. Remember, a prenuptial agreement does not indicate an eventual breakup or lack of faith in the marriage but rather a practical way to safeguard your future and ensure a fair resolution in the event of a divorce.


Karen Rosenthal

Karen B. Rosenthal is a partner and co-founder at matrimonial litigation firm Bikel Rosenthal & Schanfield LLP, where she brings 35 years of matrimonial law experience to bear in matters involving high-net-worth equitable distribution, contentious custody battles, and other high-stakes disputes. Certified as an Attorney for the Child and a frequent speaker on topics related to children going through high-conflict divorce, she has been recognized as a leading New York lawyer by Super Lawyers, Best Lawyers, Crain's New York Business magazine, and New York magazine.

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